Posts Tagged ‘emotion’

What Cravings Teach Us

Ahhhh….You know what I am talking about here. That insatiable desire for something: food, carbs, salt, sugar, sex, love, or whatever. Its called a craving. And we all have them, but some of us are better at giving into them than others. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I craved meat and potatoes. WHAT?…

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The Healthy "In" of Intimacy!

What do women want more than sex? Seriously? Did I hear someone whisper chocolate? What about wine? Heck, did I hear a shout out for ice cream with a peanut butter brownie, caramel topping and whipped cream? Wrong. Wrong and wrong again. Women like sex. We ARE sexual beings. But we are SENSUAL beings too.…

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Blue Zones: Why Lifestyle Matters to Your Health

A good friend said to me, “We all have a certain number of ticks/beats to our heart. A finite number.” Yes. Agreed. But what IS that number? At what age will your heart cease to beat? Only God/the Universe know those answers. So why do some people live to be 100+ and others pass much…

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Divorce, Single Dads and Making It All Healthier!

Divorce takes its toll on everyone: moms, dads and kids (especially). Emotions tend to fly high and kids, particularly, feel uncertainty and lack of control. Divorcing parents are caught in the bubble of emotions of hurt, anger, confusion, fear and sometimes despair.

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Clean Your Colon and Get Healthier!

Awww….those dreaded butterflies in your stomach, sour stomach, stomach ache. OUCH! Sometimes that awful feeling doesn’t even require food…your stomach may just ache in anticipation of an upcoming event or a stressful situation you are experiencing. While many doctors will suggest taking an anti gas or calcium carbonate medication, oftentimes, that solution may resolve your…

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Release Negative Emotions and Improve Your Health!

Songs, movies, stories and life experiences make us laugh, cry and everything in between. Why? Because they have a unique way of evoking emotion within us. While positive emotions (such as happiness, joy, love, serenity, pride, and gratitude) make us feel blissful and wonderful, bottled up negative emotions do the opposite. According to Ayurveda,the 5,000…

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Improving the Health of Adult-Teen Relationships

We were all adolescents/teens at one time. Can you think back to that time in your life? Did you sometimes feel as if your parents just didn’t “get” you? Did you also sometimes feel like your parents didn’t know a whole heck of a lot? Welcome to the world of teens all over again! But…

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Making Entrepreneurial Work Space Healthy!

The ongoing signals your body perceives/receives about your environment can tremendously affect your overall health. The Chinese study of Feng Shui is the science of combing energy with space to achieve optimal health and good fortune. If you are an entrepreneur or work in a small business which you are dedicated to growing, consider these ideas…

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Welcome…So Glad You Are Here!

I am so excited to welcome you to So, what’s Pam passionate about? Well, I am passionate about many things, but my “sweet spot” is health and wellness. The world of health and wellness is forever changing, and I am passionate about the exciting fusion of cutting edge AND ancient holistic wellness disciplines that can…

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