Want Healthier Circulation?–Give Endermologie a Try!

circulation of the bloodThose Groupon deals kept popping up on my screen so I went all out and decided to purchase a body treatment through the Groupon website several weeks ago. It was a trial treatment for Endermologie–boy oh boy…did I ever learn a lot!

Some of you might have heard about endermologie as a spa treatment for fat reduction–that’s how many spas choose to position and market this treatment. But truth be told, this non-invasive treatment is more about improving CIRCULATION than about losing fat. In fact, if you lose waistline or thigh inches post treatment, it has more to do with improved circulation due to less water retention.

First, let me share with you my research on endermologie. The following information was taken from the www.winelands.co.za website: First, endermologie is a French word meaning “through the dermis”. This scientifically proven treatment works through the skin to mobilize the underlying tissues and to cause positive change therein. Endermologie was developed in 1985 by a French engineer, Louis-Paul Guitay. M. Guitay had suffered extensive tissue damage in a car accident and was undergoing four hours of rolling manual massage per day, carried out by four different therapists, in an attempt to loosen and elasticize the scars.

He found that these manual massages were so varied in quality that he designed a machine that would deliver a quality rolling massage, together with aspiration to nourish the area. This technique was also used to treat burn scars with great success.

The most significant health benefits from endermologie are improved circulation and lymphatic drainage which eliminates metabolic toxins from the tissues. In fact, some people use endermologie as a post treatment after any surgery which may cause a buildup of fluid in the body.  Endermologie helps to remove excess fluids through the lymphatic system, reduce swelling and promote faster, healthier healing.

The additional side (beauty) benefits can include reduction in inches (skin), improved skin tone, and smoother connective tissue. “This is because the increase in oxygen and nutrients available triggers the body’s normal process for fat elimination and the fat cells begin to shrink in size. The connective tissue walls are gently stretched, which encourages the fibrous tissue cells to produce better quality collagen and elastin, thus toning and firming the body.”

Extensive scientific studies in Europe and in the U.S. have substantiated these claims. The company, LPG Systems, is now recognized as the world leader in connective tissue manipulation.

My first experience with an endermologie treatment can best be described as a “rolling” massage. No pain. Just rollers and gentle suction moving in different directions upon my body. And I’m “all in” for massages! Through my Ayurvedic studies, I have learned so much about the health benefits of massage for relaxation,  increased circulation and detoxification.

Interestingly, there are many manual techniques to gain effects similar (but not exact) to endermologie. For example, myofascial release (manual skin rolling) has been used for many years to increase circulation and reduce “stuck” tissue. Other techniques such as “cupping”, used in the Chinese culture, are helpful in removing body toxins by providing a suction mechanism to the skin. Even deep tissue massages can alleviate stress and increase enough blood flow in tissue to help repair tissue strains and tears.

Bottom line: your body needs fresh, oxygenated blood circulating as much as possible to heal you and keep you healthy.


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